
Getting Started


Editing Material Properties

Editing Material Properties

Learn how to modify material properties.

Materials contain a combination of attributes that mimic the visual characteristics of real-world objects. Campfire uses a Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials model that mimics how light interacts with surfaces. In this article, we’ll show you how to modify different material and shader attributes to fine-tune the look of your models.

Change the shader

Shaders are used to calculate the appropriate levels of light, darkness, and color when rendering materials on a model. Some examples of shaders available in Campfire include “Wood” and “Rubber.” You can change a material’s shader by selecting the Shader dropdown in the Look section of the inspector Scene tab.


Material properties editor

As you change the shader, you’ll find different material properties with the following types.

Property types

Image: used to assign a PNG or JPG texture. Appears as a checkered square when unassigned.


Color: used to set color and alpha channel. Appears as a colored rectangle.


Slider: used to increase or decrease the intensity of a property.


Values: used to input specific values for tiling and offset properties.

Note: some properties may contain more than one of the types listed above. For example, you might be able to change both the Image and Color in a single property.

Example of changing material properties

In the example below, we’ll apply a wooden texture to the Robodog model’s head.

  1. Select the part
  2. Navigate to the Look section of the inspector Scene tab
  3. Set the Shader property to “Wood”
  4. Set the Color property to an image texture by clicking on the checkered square
    1. Apply a color tint to the image texture by clicking the colored rectangle
  5. Set the Bump Map property to an image texture
    1. Change the intensity of the bump map by moving the slider
  6. Adjust sliders for other properties as needed

Swap an existing material on a part or group of parts

Use the Choose from Library button on the bottom of all material properties inspector to swap out a material for another one.

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