
Getting Started

Supported Devices

Release Notes



Freely move a model, or parts of the model, into different positions.

Note: You must be the Presenter in order to use the grab tool

Desktop and iPad

1. Switch to the grab tool in the bottom right corner


2. Click and drag a part to move it

Toggle between “part” and “model” selection in the bottom right corner. You can also reset the scene view using the “reset scene” button


iPad (AR Mode)

1. Switch to AR mode


2. Switch to the slice tool, hold the slice plane, and slice through the model


Meta Quest

On Quest, there are 2 ways to grab models.

Method 1: Use the Hand Trigger

Move your controller close to the model and hold the Hand Trigger

Hold and drag the part or model to move it in any direction. Move the part or model back to snap it to its original position


Method 2: Switch to the grab tool

1. Switch to the grab tool

Press the B button on the right controller or the Y button on the left controller.

2. Point at a part and hold the Index Trigger to move the part


More Controls:

  • Move the Thumbstick down or up to move the model closer or farther away
  • Press A on the right controller or X on the left controller to open the tool options menu and switch between “part” and “model” selection modes. You can also click “reset scene” to rest the model to its original state
Note: The grab tool is not available in environment scenes.

Related FAQ

Are some tools only available at certain times?
How do I restrict which controls are available to another user?
Related Introduction to Collaboration Measure