
Getting Started

Communicate & Collaborate

Communicate & Collaborate

Communicate and collaborate

In this article, you’ll learn how to share and collaborate with other users on a PC, Mac, or iPad. If you’re a Quest user go here to get started and learn how to use In-Room Collaboration.

Collaborating with others

If you received a link to a Campfire project from a colleague, simply click on the link to open the Campfire app. Otherwise, open Campfire and go to the project and scene you are interested in viewing.

When others are active within a scene, you’ll see them represented by either a rectangle (if they’re using a PC, Mac, or iPad) or a generic head (if they’re using a Quest). You’ll also see their name under the rectangle or head, so you’ll know who’s in the scene and exactly what they’re looking at.


Presenter mode

Within a scene, one user at a time can be in Presenter mode. As presenter, you can switch scenes, and interact and manipulate the models with a range of tools. Typically, a presenter guides the design review presentation or training session and is the only one who can change scenes. If a user is a presenter, a yellow dot appears above them.

There can only be one presenter at any time, although the role can be handed off to other users.

Collaboration tools

On the bottom right there’s a toolbar with basic communication and review tools. As the presenter you have access to a range of tools to guide the flow of the presentation.


Use the laser to point out parts of the model.



Create text comments.



Sketch on snapshots of the model.



Make point-to-point measurements.



Get a better look at the individual components of the model

If you’re not the presenter, you cannot change scenes. You’ll still have access to a subset of tools that allow you to point, annotate, sketch, and measure.


Sketch on snapshots of the model

AR mode

Additionally, if you’re on an iPad, you can view the model in AR and interact more naturally. Click on the AR mode icon in the top right corner.


You can change tools by swiping to the left or right.


Get a better look at the individual components of a model. Swipe up to explode and swipe down to reset.



Cut through a model and look at its inner components. Move the iPad towards the model to slice.



Test out different lighting scenarios.


Move and rotate

Move or rotate a model around the scene axis.



Move a model, or parts of the model, into different positions.



Zoom in or out on a model.

If you’re not the presenter, you cannot change scenes. You’ll still have access to a subset of tools that allow you to point, annotate, sketch, and measure.

Follow mode

Following another user allows you to view the scene from that user’s perspective. This is great when someone is demonstrating a procedure and you want to see what they’re doing from a first-person view. Go to the user list in the top right corner, click on the user icon of the person you want to follow, and click Follow.


Sharing a scene with others

You can easily share a project with other Campfire users by adding their email address. Click on the Share button to add the emails of other Campfire users.


You can also share a project with a user who does not already have a Campfire account. The user will be prompted to create an account and download Campfire before they can view your project.

Learn more about sharing.


Sample projects cannot be shared.

Related FAQ

How do I share my project?
Why can’t I access a project that was shared with me?
How do I enable in-room collaboration on Quest?
Is in-room collaboration available on non-Quest devices?
In-room collaboration has stopped working. How do I fix it?
Next Steps Getting Started on Meta Quest Sharing